Local Supply
Local Food doesn’t mean organic only. While there may be purists who insist on only eating foods certified as organic (a government designation that has its own issues), many others look to organic foods because they avoid or eliminate the many pesticides used by the industrial agriculture system to control pests and boost yields. Local, sustainable and organic when possible is a more realistic approach to local food. If it has to be trucked hundreds of miles to your market, the cost in transportation can negate the value of organic to a local community.
Local Food makes sure school kids eat healthy. The industrialized junk food served up to school children every day is a scandal. It’s often unappetizing and loaded with cheap calories. Local food makes sure that local schools serve local food that’s also cooked in appetizing recipes instead of bland, assembly line commodity lumps that are often unrecognizable as food.
Local Food invests in real farmers. This is a tricky area. One of the most popular ways to invest in local farmers is through a CSA or Community Supported Agriculture where you can actually invest in the crops of a local farmer and get your share at harvest time.